Aged 12 and up – $25/person
Aged under 12 – Free

The mission of Al Ansar is to “support the converts to Islam, share the message with all people and serve the needs of the community in the best possible way.”
How Does Al Ansar Help the Community?
While in its very first year, Al Ansar Society is already making a difference for our community in many ways. such as:
Convert-Care and Outreach:
1) Support those who enter Islam
2) Build bridges with people of all faith
3) Share the true message of Islam with all people.
Services for the Whole Community:
4) An inviting venue for the revert community to spend time at
5) Counseling services for the youth, couples & others
6) Match-making and wedding services for the singles
8) A great venue for your family’s special occasion
Please show your support and be a part of this great effort. Please Attend the Fundraiser and Encourage others to join in.
Best Regards,
Prof. Munshi Shams (President & Imam)
On behalf of The Management Board
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